Autor: João Maria Ludugero
Eu sou das terras do agreste
Sou do solo varzeano,
Esticador de arame farpado
Ao mourão, abridor de cancelas,
Cabra da peste, destemido,
Cresci enfrentando a lida
Pelejando com o roçado
Amansando o gado bravo
Dando forma ao capim grosso,
Jogando a bola da vida
Na pelada da minha Vargem
E por um mundo melhor
Luto assim desde criança,
Vou vivendo minhas crenças,
Renovando as esperanças
Sem temer à seca ou à cheia
Fiel à minha origem,
Vou resgatando as raízes
Vou recomeçando a vida
À cata de feijão de corda,
Além do milho em espigas e favas,
Vou me debulhando em outros sonhos
Sem esquecer de semear boas-novas.
Hello, Dear I.B.G., welcome to my site! And if possible, give it to other friends so they can follow me, if it suits them. Make your criticism, let your coments. It's people like you who so encourage us to continue to make poetry, really believing that poetry goes beyond worlds. Super hug.
ResponderExcluirBy João Ludugero
Hi Joao. Thank you for visiting and following my other blogs, but you did not follow my personal blog. Did not you like it? I want to see you in my personal blog. Thanks..
Hi I.B.G., Thank you!
ResponderExcluirWhat is the contribution of Poetry for the evolution of humanity?
I believe that poetry brings significant importance to "melt " the shackles that often trap us. Poetry is also a symbolic manifestation, which reveals the author's universe, but also influences the reader's universe, providing an expansion of consciousness. In many cases leads to the revolution. Listing some poems and songs evidenced moments bordered on cultural evolution and revolution freed. Maybe we could feed our students with good literature at an early age. I love poetry and I can not stop writing, it is therefore a necessity, as well as thirst. Best wishes, João Ludugero.